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Using Conveyor run during development

Conveyor run was introduced to shorten the development cycle. It was created to simplify the following flow, which is often performed by users:

  • build a project
  • deploy the project to an Airflow environment
  • access Airflow and (re)-run a specific task

This flow is slow, certainly the waiting for a DAG is updated in the Airflow UI.

In the conveyor run command you specify which task and environment you want to run. From here Conveyor will take care of:

  • building your project
  • parsing the DAG logic such that we know what task needs to be executed
  • launching the task in the requested environment

If you use conveyor run you can skip the manual steps of building and deploying your project.


There is one exception: if you are still using terraform resources and made a change in them. The resources do not get applied automatically when using conveyor run. In that case you will have to do a conveyor deploy to apply the terraform resources.

Using Conveyor run with Airflow dynamic tasks

When you are using dynamic tasks you can use the argument --dynamic-task-args for conveyor run to supply additional arguments.

An example dag could be:

from airflow import DAG
from datetime import datetime
from conveyor.operators import ConveyorContainerOperatorV2

default_args = {
"start_date": datetime.fromisocalendar(2022, 1, 1),

with DAG("dynamic", default_args=default_args) as dag:
custom_dynamic = ConveyorContainerOperatorV2.partial(
).expand(arguments=[1, 2])

If we want to run the task dynamic-task we have to supply the arguments field trough --dynamic-task-args:

conveyor run --dag dynamic --task dynamic-task --dynamic-task-args arguments=1

This will run our task with the value for arguments set to 1.

For more information on what you can do with dynamic tasks have a look at the airflow docs.