Working with Apache Airflow
📄️ Setting up alerting
A pattern for Airflow alerting using a Conveyor package.
📄️ Using Airflow sensors on Conveyor
Recommendations for running Airflow sensors on Conveyor.
📄️ Using secrets in the Conveyor operators
Configuring and using secrets in Airflow operators.
📄️ Dynamic task mapping
Using dynamic task mapping with the Conveyor operators.
📄️ Using XComs
How to use Airflow XComs within Conveyor.
📄️ Backfilling a DAG with Conveyor
Running Airflow backfills using Conveyor.
📄️ Airflow Configuration
Configuring Airflow properties for your environments.
📄️ Secrets backend configuration
Configuring an Airflow secrets backend in your environment.
📄️ Publishing lineage to DataHub
How to integrate Airflow with DataHub.
📄️ Using the Airflow REST API
Using the Airflow REST API with Conveyor.
📄️ Sharing code between Airflow DAGs
A pattern for sharing common Airflow code and operators across multiple projects.
📄️ Generate your DAG from a YAML file
Using a YAML file to generate your DAG
📄️ Common pitfalls
A list of common mistakes