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conveyor auth configure

Configure the Conveyor CLI to authenticate yourself


Configure the Conveyor CLI to authenticate yourself. By default it uses the clientId flow, if you want to use the m2m flow, you should pass both the key and secret flag

conveyor auth configure [flags]


If you want to use m2m flow, set the following:

$ conveyor auth configure --key <some_key> --secret <some_secret>

All flags have to be passed at once, you can not call this command multiple times for each config you wan to set.
Since calling this command multiple times will overwrite the configuration every time.


      --api string           The conveyor api to connect to
--auth string The conveyor auth url to connect to
--client-id string The client id
-h, --help help for configure
--key string The api key
--profileName string The name of the auth to configure (default "default")
--secret string The api secret

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug                        Show debug output
--no-browser NO_BROWSER=true Do not automatically open a browser at login instead print the url to the command line. You can also use the environment variable NO_BROWSER=true.
-o, --output string Change the output. Valid options are table or json (default "table")
--quiet QUIET=true Quiet down the output. You can also use the environment variable QUIET=true.

See also