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conveyor environment update

Updates an existing environment


Updates an existing environment. You can update deletion protection, Airflow configuration settings or DataHub integration settings on an environment using this command.

conveyor environment update [flags]


To turn on deletion protection for environment 'dev', you can execute the following command:

$ conveyor environment update --name dev --deletion-protection=true

To increase the 'max_active_tasks_per_dag' setting to 64 tasks for environment 'dev', you can execute:

$ conveyor environment update --name dev --airflow-configuration-core-max-active-tasks-per-dag 64

To enable the integration with DataHub for environment 'dev', you can execute:

$ conveyor environment update --name dev --airflow-datahub-integration-enabled true


      --airflow-configuration-core-max-active-tasks-per-dag int32   Flag to set the 'max_active_tasks_per_dag' core configuration of Airflow (default 32)
--airflow-configuration-core-parallelism int32 Flag to set the 'parallelism' core configuration of Airflow (default 128)
--airflow-configuration-webserver-navbar-color string Flag to set the navbar color of Airflow (default "#fff")
--airflow-datahub-integration-capture-ownership Flag to enable capture ownership for the Airflow DataHub integration, if not set during update keeps the current value.
Usage: --airflow-datahub-integration-capture-ownership=[true|false] (default true)
--airflow-datahub-integration-capture-tags Flag to enable capture tags for the Airflow DataHub integration, if not set during update keeps the current value.
Usage: --airflow-datahub-integration-capture-tags=[true|false] (default true)
--airflow-datahub-integration-cluster string Flag to set the cluster used by the Airflow DataHub integration, if not set during update keeps the current value (default "prod")
--airflow-datahub-integration-conn-id string Flag to set the conn id used by the Airflow DataHub integration, if not set during update keeps the current value (default "datahub_rest_default")
--airflow-datahub-integration-enabled Flag that enables the Airflow DataHub integration.
Usage: --airflow-datahub-integration-enabled=[true|false]
--airflow-datahub-integration-graceful-exceptions Flag to enable graceful exceptions for the Airflow DataHub integration, if not set during update keeps the current value.
Usage: --airflow-datahub-integration-graceful-exceptions=[true|false] (default true)
--airflow-iam-identity string The IAM identity attached to Airflow, which is required when using a secrets backend. It is either an AWS role or an Azure application client id.
--airflow-secret-backend-connection-key-vault string Flag to specify which keyVault to look for the connection secret. Only relevant when using Azure.
--airflow-secret-backend-connection-name string Flag to specify the name of the secret in the remote backend that contains the Airflow connections
--airflow-secret-backend-enabled Flag to enable a remote secrets backend in Airflow
--airflow-secret-backend-variable-key-vault string Flag to specify which keyVault to look for the variable secret. Only relevant when using Azure.
--airflow-secret-backend-variable-name string Flag to specify the name of the secret in the remote backend that contains the Airflow variables
--airflow-version string The Airflow version for the environment (default "2")
--deletion-protection Enables/disables deletion protection when on this environment.
Usage: --deletion-protection=[true|false]
--experimental Enables/disables experimental features on your environment.
Usage: --experimental=[true|false]
-h, --help help for update
--id string The id of the environment
--instance-lifecycle string The instance lifecycle that will be used for the airflow web/scheduler components.
Allowed values: [spot on-demand] (default "spot")
--name string The name of the environment

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug                        Show debug output
--no-browser NO_BROWSER=true Do not automatically open a browser at login instead print the url to the command line. You can also use the environment variable NO_BROWSER=true.
-o, --output string Change the output. Valid options are table or json (default "table")
--quiet QUIET=true Quiet down the output. You can also use the environment variable QUIET=true.

See also