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conveyor environment create

Create a new environment


Creates a new environment on Conveyor. It can take a couple of minutes for the environment to show up in the UI.

conveyor environment create [flags]


      --airflow-configuration-core-max-active-tasks-per-dag int32   Flag to set the 'max_active_tasks_per_dag' core configuration of Airflow (default 32)
--airflow-configuration-core-parallelism int32 Flag to set the 'parallelism' core configuration of Airflow (default 128)
--airflow-configuration-webserver-navbar-color string Flag to set the navbar color of Airflow (default "#fff")
--airflow-datahub-integration-capture-ownership Flag to enable capture ownership for the Airflow DataHub integration, if not set during update keeps the current value.
Usage: --airflow-datahub-integration-capture-ownership=[true|false] (default true)
--airflow-datahub-integration-capture-tags Flag to enable capture tags for the Airflow DataHub integration, if not set during update keeps the current value.
Usage: --airflow-datahub-integration-capture-tags=[true|false] (default true)
--airflow-datahub-integration-cluster string Flag to set the cluster used by the Airflow DataHub integration, if not set during update keeps the current value (default "prod")
--airflow-datahub-integration-conn-id string Flag to set the conn id used by the Airflow DataHub integration, if not set during update keeps the current value (default "datahub_rest_default")
--airflow-datahub-integration-enabled Flag that enables the Airflow DataHub integration.
Usage: --airflow-datahub-integration-enabled=[true|false]
--airflow-datahub-integration-graceful-exceptions Flag to enable graceful exceptions for the Airflow DataHub integration, if not set during update keeps the current value.
Usage: --airflow-datahub-integration-graceful-exceptions=[true|false] (default true)
--airflow-iam-identity string The IAM identity attached to Airflow, which is required when using a secrets backend. It is either an AWS role or an Azure application client id.
--airflow-secret-backend-connection-key-vault string Flag to specify which keyVault to look for the connection secret. Only relevant when using Azure.
--airflow-secret-backend-connection-name string Flag to specify the name of the secret in the remote backend that contains the Airflow connections
--airflow-secret-backend-enabled Flag to enable a remote secrets backend in Airflow
--airflow-secret-backend-variable-key-vault string Flag to specify which keyVault to look for the variable secret. Only relevant when using Azure.
--airflow-secret-backend-variable-name string Flag to specify the name of the secret in the remote backend that contains the Airflow variables
--airflow-version string The Airflow version for the environment (default "2")
--cluster-id string The id of the cluster in which to create the new environment
--cluster-name string The name of the cluster in which to create the new environment
--deletion-protection Enables/disables deletion protection when on this environment.
Usage: --deletion-protection=[true|false]
--experimental Enables/disables experimental features on your environment.
Usage: --experimental=[true|false]
-h, --help help for create
--instance-lifecycle string The instance lifecycle that will be used for the airflow web/scheduler components.
Allowed values: [spot on-demand] (default "spot")
--name string The name of the environment to create

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug                        Show debug output
--no-browser NO_BROWSER=true Do not automatically open a browser at login instead print the url to the command line. You can also use the environment variable NO_BROWSER=true.
-o, --output string Change the output. Valid options are table or json (default "table")
--quiet QUIET=true Quiet down the output. You can also use the environment variable QUIET=true.

See also