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conveyor user update-settings

Update the settings of the current user

conveyor user update-settings [flags]


Allows updating user specific settings.

How to set the ide settings.json. This settings.json which will be configured for every ide.
The flag should point to a json file or inline the json content as follows:

$ conveyor user update-settings --ide="{\"workbench.colorTheme\": \"Default Dark Modern\"}"
$ conveyor user update-settings --ide=file://settings.json

If you want to remove the IDE settings you can pass an empty string:

$ conveyor user update-settings --ide=""


  -h, --help         help for update-settings
--ide string The user specific settings shared amongst ides

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug                        Show debug output
--no-browser NO_BROWSER=true Do not automatically open a browser at login instead print the url to the command line. You can also use the environment variable NO_BROWSER=true.
-o, --output string Change the output. Valid options are table or json (default "table")
--quiet QUIET=true Quiet down the output. You can also use the environment variable QUIET=true.

See also